Though there are many marketing tools in the modern business scenario, the significance of media buying is undeniable. There are different media modes, but many brands prefer to stick to traditional media like TV, radio, magazine, newspapers, and billboards. There are teams of media slot vendors and media buyers who offer the companies a proper slot at an affordable price. Consumer insight is the most significant factor.

However, many brands consider it most important to find a perfect slot to represent their brand with a strategic commercial. The company needs to choose the right media and the right time slot to reach as many consumers as possible in a short time. 

Why should media buyers consider Consumer Insight?

Consumer InsightAs per the Glob

 Web Index report, about 22% of the audiences are responsible for blocking internet ads. Thus, making the purpose of the ad invalid if it does not reach the particular set of audience the brand is looking for to promote themselves. 

Therefore, the media buyers must consider the factor of Consumer Insight for choosing a specific slot for their client. When they can adequately pick the ideal space, it can help both the sellers and the buyers. It is so as the company can now easily reach the target audience, who are potential buyers for a thing in demand. 

The companies can depend on the digital media buying agencies for their slot and media choice for their campaigns. Certain factors can help the media buyer analyze the consumer's nature to find the ideal slot for media buying. Though in the current scenario, media buying has become more comfortable because of various media presence. 

All age groups from different parts of the world are engaged with some sort of media. Hence, when the media buyer plans to make it relevant, they need to consider both the slots and the medium. 

Factors that a Media Buyer Should Always Consider


One of the most significant factors is the geographical location of the audience. The nature and behavior of buyers are different in different countries. Their lifestyles vary as well. Two buyers from two other countries or two additional locations can show other buying habits based on their requirements, income, lifestyles, etc. 

Therefore, when a digital media buying agency chooses a particular audience, they need to consider the target audience's region. The buyers' attitudes from two different countries may not be the same as their economic conditions also impact the audience's demand and buying conditions. 

 Gender and Age:

Gender and age also play significant roles in deciding the consumer choice. Suppose a company is selling something that is mainly related to young children or teenagers. In that case, they must think about choosing a media where they spend most of their time, such as cartoon channels or kids' magazines. 

Therefore, when the median buyer is looking for the slots, they must consider the factor. The region also has some impact on the consumers' mind-set. Still, on most occasions, the particular age group's choice is more or less the same. 

Attitude and Market trends:

Market trendsThe attitude of consumers and trends can also influence consumer insight. The perspective of the consumer can change with time. The media seller must consider the market trends and the demand for the product or service while choosing the slot and media. 

The consumers' attitude can also change based on the habits of a local community and their requirements. As the studies mentioned, at least two-thirds of the US buyers may choose not to buy online for fear of data-stealing by the companies. 


There are values of a specific community, and their culture can also influence the sale. Hence while picking the audience for a product; the media buyers must consider this factor. 

Why are Behavioral Trends Significant?

Trends SignificantIf a company fails to choose its audience carefully, its slot choosing can be futile as well. They can choose a prime time slot with a high price, but that may not be the right solution. After selecting the audience, the company needs to find the time and place their target audience is most active. 

They can easily choose slots and media based on the behavioral trends of the audience. For these audience analysis, the companies can depend on the best digital marketing company in Gurgaon. It is very crucial for the success of a particular campaign to choose the audience carefully.

A competent digital media buying agency can help analyze different factors and assist in media buying based on the audience's insights. For the best and effective results, the companies can avail the best digital marketing company in Gurgaon.

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