Since March, the most used statement of 2020 has been "Life will not be the same anymore," and yes, that is true! 2020 is one of such years when mankind had preferred to be at home and scrolled any of their electronic gadgets across the globe. The new installation of internet connections has also increased drastically. Hence, with internet consumption, the flow of social media trends has also undergone changes. 

Social Media Marketing services are becoming a highly progressive field of marketing. It is becoming a powerful and intensely used platform for marketing the products and resources of any company or brand. The most popular social media platforms are Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, and others. These are the grounds to showcase an event or item. 

The endorsement of new products always needs a market, but when the market is online, then what does it need? It needs a strategy to create a trend. Experiencing a product offline during the pandemic is impossible, so ads on social platforms always make a mark. 

1. Instagram Reels and Premium Membership of YouTube 

Instagram Reels and Premium Membership of YouTubeInfluencing the market is hugely highlighted as the companies develop various strategies to bring in the social trends. The celebrities are always here to promote any such products through advertising endorsements. If not, the Instagram page itself highlights it as 'paid partnership.' 

The new-normal does include such trends followed by Instagram's newly launched Reels or more advertisements on YouTube. YouTube has also come up with Premium membership to avoid advertisements before any video. Or else watch the ad or skip after seconds. 

2. Webinars over Seminars

Webinars over SeminarsThe concept of the webinar is very much influenced by the seminar. The real-life seminar had never been attended by such crowds as the webinars nowadays. The idea is reaching more people indeed, and one of such popular videos or webinars is winning over the internet. 

3. Social commerce is becoming mainstream.

Social commerce is becoming mainstreamThe video development/ video content development has its vitality spiraling. Pinterest, Instagram, or Facebook Live has turned into virtual showrooms, needing a sneak peek. Adding live testimonials for any website has become mandatory as it allures more customers. 

Social commerce is becoming a mainstream retail channel in comparison to the official websites and offline stores. The trends gather their strength by introducing more selling features for the buyable items. 

The sellers are trying to develop confidence among the buyers by creating a fair deal relation with them. This virtual connection is generating finances for many, so the sellers value the buyers. This year such online campaigns have proved to create connections between people.

4.  Video-making apps showing a new direction to the marketers

Video-making apps showing a new direction to the marketersEven though the most happening TikTok has been banned in India, it has not curbed the enthusiasts to make such videos. As the market has seen many more TikTok-like Video apps. The ephemeral video app is seeing a striking rise for its high demand. 

The habit of watching televisions for the generation ranging between 16 and 50 has diminished as their life starts and ends with their personal device viz. phone, laptop, iPad, and tabs. Such short, entertaining videos in between their schedule have become part and parcel of life. 

5. Online Teaching is the New Normal in Education

Online Teaching is the New Normal in EducationPersonalization or Customization is the new term in the 2021 Dictionary as the pandemic has given rise to customized online teaching. The social media platforms are freshly covered by advertisements from the Ed. Tech companies. They cater to the parents' demands, who want their wards to develop communication skills utilizing social media platforms. How? By being the next TEDx speaker or a YouTuber. 

The paradigm has shifted from Spell Bee, Olympiad Competition to online-based education. The new trends have arrived with start-ups in various fields. Apart from this, social media has catered to a generation ranging from 55 to 64. The Baby boomers are getting altogether on refreshment with social media trends connected through social media, digital video, gaming, and mobile payments. Seventy percent of internet users belong to the category. 

Therefore, mankind across generations should hold on to the roller coaster of the upcoming social media trends with respect to communication or shopping. The digital marketing agencies in Delhi and across the world can help them in this venture.

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