Facebook is a well-known social media site. The popularity of this site is apparent from its number of members. Facebook has frequently been updating its policies and adding features for elevating the user experience of its members. In February, Facebook has announced the rollout of some innovative features that will allow users to interact with the social site better. Here is some information regarding those features that will help Facebook users a lot.

Technology for describing visual content

The quest for making the social site of Facebook inclusive for all individuals has urged Facebook to improve upon reading images. Visually impaired people face problems in interacting with the site when images or videos are posted. In textual content, interpreting the text with audio messages and relaying it to users is a simple process. However, when images are concerned, then it becomes slightly tricky.

Technology for describing visual content

The use of alt text for visual content is a good practice. However, visual content is not accompanied by the tag of alt text, making it difficult for accessibility programs to read such posts.

Some Use Information about Alternative Text Technology

Some Use Information about Alternative

To streamline the process of reading visual content, Facebook has introduced automatic alternative text technology. The introduction of this feature in 2016 has been reinforced with AI technology to read photos effectively. The AI-powered AAT technology can provide a far more accurate and detailed description of visual content that has been posted on Facebook for visually challenged people.

Streamlining appearance of advertisement

Advertisements often appear on Facebook. Advertisers generally had little or no control over the placement of their brand-specific ads on the news feed of Facebook. It often led to a problem where advertisements featured products or news updates that were utterly unrelated to the brand. Thus, affecting the brand popularity on Facebook. To resolve this issue, Facebook is testing a recent feature update with advertisers. With this product, advertisers can now choose to opt-out of unsuitable positions for placing their advertisements.

Streamlining appearance of advertisement

This feature is still at the testing stage, and it will take time to make this feature available for all brand owners or advertisers on Facebook.

Smooth data sharing

The cookies and privacy policy of Facebook are undergoing some significant changes. In this scenario, the pixel tracking for business organizations is experiencing slowdowns. With the recent conversion API tool, it will be easier to share data with the Ads manager. Facebook campaigns require optimization and monitoring, and with the help of this API tool, it will be easier for business owners to share information. The feature allows the exchange of data between the user's servers and the ads manager. It is a better data connection because connectivity problems do not often surface in this process.

Smooth data sharing

The business owners also have better control over the data shared as the information is taken from the server and not the user's browser. Social Media Marketing Companies can use this feature to improve branding and advertisement campaigns on Facebook. Business owners can also help the Best Digital Marketing Company in Delhi streamline their ad placements on Facebook.

Information about account status

This minor feature is beneficial for account holders. This update is created to ensure that individual account holders can view complete information about their account activity easily. The briefcase-shaped feature gets introduced under the profile settings menu. By clicking on the account status update icon, a person can see all the previous and current restrictions that have been imposed on the account. These details are necessary because then individual account holders will be aware of the erroneous actions on Facebook to avoid facing restrictions on the social site.

Chat enabling on Oculus

The Oculus VR headset is often used by many. Communicating in real-time during the present scenario depends heavily on virtual platforms. Facebook has added this update to amplify the process of virtual communication. With this feature, people who have logged in to Quest through Facebook will open a chat on Oculus. It is like a messenger service that supports video chatting and converts voice messages into text format.

With the host of new features, Facebook is improving their platform so that social media users can use the platform without any difficulty.

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