The world around is rapidly changing and change is regarded as the only constant in the universe. If we do not adapt ourselves to the changing times around us and learn the new art then we will become obsolete to the trend. The usability and affordability if any commodity, man or machine is only until the time it proves itself useful for the employer or helps in the production.
As soon as the usage or requirement of the particular commodity, man or machine is found to be of no serious profit, it is rejected. Thus it is very important for any individual working in a service or product based industry to keep himself fully informed. The technology and the marketing trends are changing very rapidly. There is a huge shift in the digital marketing services over the past ten years. Thus for any employee or manager, it becomes very important for them to learn new trends and keep themselves updated about the new things happening around yourself.
Digital Empowerment
With the advent of the first computers and new chipsets, no one had hardly thought of the computer as a device which would be found in day to day activities. The first computers when manufactured where mainly made for the programmers and engineers and included complex functions which were very far away from the reach of the layman. Even when the World Wide Web came into existent the reach if the computers increased and it started making its place in the home of the individuals. The computer slowly started to arrive in the public offices and homes. Till then the world wide web started flourishing and the digital marketing services started to come into existence.
With the efforts of the present government and computer education being a primary subject in schools, the digital literacy rate has risen. Also, with the smartphone arriving in the market the people, especially the layman became aware of the internet and this led to the major digital empowerment. This digital empowerment has led the big multinational firms to change their digital marketing strategies which have added to an all new domain in the marketing field.
Earlier Marketing Strategies
The marketing strategies earlier included huge expenditures on the advertisement. The newspapers and pamphlets are printed for making the image of the brand this incurred huge sums of money. Also, with the advent of electronic media, the advertisement was now being displayed on the television screens. The cost of advertising on the television screen and the radio see also much higher than the ads which were printed on the print media. The ads on the television required an entirely new cast, crew and screenplay which has to be filmed. This was a time consuming and costly process. With the internet, all these costs were reduced drastically as the medium contained all the reach of electronic media at the cost of the print media. This led the firm and ad agencies to devise new digital marketing strategies.
Advantage Of Digital Marketing
The advantages of digital marketing are way more than any other marketing domain. This is because that the smartphone has enabled every user to remain connected to the world on the go. The people can like, share and post from anywhere in the world. This has greatly increased the accessibility of the users to the domain of the internet. As this has led the users to connect to the world at any time from anywhere; in the same manner, the reach of the various advertising agencies has increased toward these users.
Now every time when any individual switches his/her phone to see the notifications or to scroll through the web. The agencies all get a chance to display their products and commodities. This creates a loop and leaves a more lasting impact on the brain of the user. When any individual just sees or watches the ad only once, he or she is bound to get inclined towards that product but for a short duration. This stigma changes when the user is constantly being affected by the same advertisement. Every time when he/ she uses his/her device the ads are displayed which leads to prolonged exposure of the human brain and this in return increase the urge of the customer to buy or check out the product. Thus this helps the companies to propagate their products.
The other best thing which the multinational firms and advertising firms uses them for their product base is to do the economic survey and use the trends and usage of the users based on data analytics. The data analytics of the customers helps the firms to analyze the usage of the users and can project their products on the demands.
Consumer Becomes The King
Earlier the customers have to suit their demand according to the products of the companies. This is because there is not a proper communication channel between the manufacturer and the consumer to specify the demands. Now since the digital awareness has increased the customers are able to communicate the demands of their usage with the manufacturer and all the new products are made in accordance with the demands of the consumer.