The significance of search engine optimization in ensuring the growth of a website in the online world cannot be ignored. That is why it is not uncommon for the digital marketing professionals and website owners to gain information about the various search engine ranking factors to develop the most beneficial SEO strategies. However, gaining the exact information about the SEO factors that affect a website ranking is not as easy as it may seem as there is a lot of ambiguity about the subject. Therefore, before learning about the various ranking factors & correlation and its common interpretations, it is essential to understand what these terms mean.
What are Ranking Factors & Correlation?
Ranking factors is a term used to define the various criteria used by search engines for evaluating the web pages to compile the rankings of the search results. These factors are generally related to the content, technical implementation, user signals, back link profile and any other features that the search engines might consider relevant for ranking the website. At the same time, correlation defines the relationship between the ranking of a website on the one hand and the existence/occurrence of each factor on the other. However, it is essential for an SEO services company in Delhi NCR to analyse every correlation with a critical approach so as to appropriately interpret and exploit the ranking factor associated with it.
Common Interpretations of Ranking Factors & Correlation
Having understood what ranking factors and correlation mean, it now time to take a look at how these two terms are generally interpreted by website owners as well as digital marketing professionals.
1. Relation Between Search Engine Algorithms & Ranking Factors - Search engines make use of algorithms for ranking websites on the basis of topic and relevance. The web pages are structured in the search engine index so that the results of user queries are displayed in accordance with best possible ranking displays. Given the exponential rise in the number of online documents and pages that need to be indexed, accomplishing the task is truly impossible without the presence of some automatic algorithm. With the search engines keeping the underlying factors that define these algorithms strictly confidential, it is the understanding of their assessment of the various ranking factors that can help an SEO services company, to come up with the most effective optimization strategies for its clients.
2. Consequences of Keyword Stuffing, Cloaking & Other Black Hat Practices - By having an understanding of the ranking factors and correlation, the digital marketing professionals are likely to have clearer idea about the consequences of using black hat strategies for website optimization. This in turn makes them aware of the fact that they key to attaining long term business success in the online world is to use sustainable strategies based on incorporating relevant quality factors. By disregarding the use of negative influence options and focusing on combating while also enhancing relevant content, SEO professionals can ensure that their client websites maintain strong search result positions for a longer time. This approach takes into consideration the structure and complexity of ranking factors that help in enhancing the strong influence of user signals.
3. Causation is Not the Same as Correlation - One of the most important interpretations that can be made by an SEO company after studying ranking factors and correlation is the difference between causation and correlation. This essentially means that while it is possible for the web pages displayed in the top SERP results to have some common features, these factors might actually not impact the ranking in any manner. It educates the digital marketing professionals about the importance of basing their SEO strategies on well researched data and interpretations rather than mere speculations. It also makes them aware of the fact that just studying the ranking factors and correlation cannot help them understand as to what more successful web pages and sites do that is not done by the less successful ones.
4. Awareness About Illusory Correlations & Need to Avoid Them - Illusory correlations are defined as defined as the tendency of evaluating a ranking factor as having a casual relationship even when no such thing exists. This often leads the SEO professionals to focus on the irrelevant ranking factors or even develop the wrong optimization strategies for the client website. As such it is extremely important for these professionals to avoid becoming trapped in such illusory correlations, which are also referred to as logical fallacy. This can be ensured by using the rank correlation coefficient to gain an evaluated interpretation of whether the ranking factor in question is truly having a casual relationship with the results or it is caused by mere coincidence.
The above interpretations provide a methodical analysis of the study of ranking factors and correlation. This can help the digital marketing agencies in Gurgaon and website owners to take informed decisions based on intensive research across various criteria for the best optimization and growth of the site.